Cintia Orsi, Board Member—The Journey Is Not Mine but God's; I Share With Gratitude and Thanksgiving

Love that never ends, from Jesus Christ, our Lord. Love that creates, transforms, and encourages us to love one another.

Life is a love journey. From God to us, from us to God and to all God created.

As a testimony of Christ, his power and grace, my life has been filled with blessings. With gratitude, walking with others, in challenging times, in celebration, or just being and appreciating beauty and goodness in simple things.

We are all gifted and sometimes lost, not using the gifts or lost in our pride. Serving others in various volunteering capacity has taught me humility and to value the true gift that comes from Jesus Christ. Nothing is wasted. All turns to good in God's hand. May we continue to be instruments of his work for his kingdom.

The journey I share is not mine but God's and with gratitude and thanksgiving I faithfully share it with others. (Email Cintia.)