Key to Circle of Symbols

Start with the blank space and move clockwise.

1. Blank space (add your own)

2. LGBTQ Triangle

3. Anarchy

4. Patriotism/Nationalism/Partisanship

5. Peace Symbol

6. Money/Materialism

7. Inuksuk

8. Ojo de Dios or God’s Eye

9. Gaia

10. Goddess

11. Wiccan Pentacle

12. The Western Zodiac

13. Akuaba

14. Ankh

15. Chiwara/Animism

16. Sustainability

17. West African Voudoo

18. The Torii Gate: Shinto

19. Chinese and Korean Yin-Yang: Tao or Dao

20. The Chinese Water Symbol: Confucian

21. The Dharma Wheel: Buddhist

22. Om: Hindu

23. Ahimsa: Jain

24. The Khandi: Sikh

25. The Winged Heart: Sufi and mystical Islam

26. Star and Crescent: Islam; Muslim

27. The Hamsa or Hand of Fatima

28. Star of David: Jewish

29. Kabbalah: Mystical Judaism

30. Cross: Christian

31. Jesus Fish: Christian, often Evangelical

32. The Faravahar: Zoroastrian

33. The Nine-pointed Star: Bahá'í

34. The Darwin Fish: Evolution, human origins, and secularism

35. Rationalism: Engineering and scientific secularism

36. The Atom: Origins and scientific discovery

37. Infinity: Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy

38. Atheism